It Just Lining Up

“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” - Isaiah 1:19

Have you ever been around someone, and it seems like everything in their life just lines up perfectly for them? The college they want to go to is 30 minutes from the girl they have been dating for 3 years. They have a job offer before they have even graduated, and get this, it’s in the city they have always dreamed of living in.

Have you ever met someone like that? It is easy to get jealous of someone who everything just seems to line up for. But did you know you can position yourself for things to line up for YOU?

That’s right. See, when you are obedient to God, continually following the steps He leads you to take, choosing what is great over what is good or temporary, God does something. He begins to line up things in your life where everything just seems to fall into place.

Now, I’m not going to sit here and promise you that if you are obedient to God, you will never have any problems in your life again. That is just not realistic. It doesn’t matter who you are or how obedient you are. We live in a fallen, sin-filled world and there will always be problems.

But the way life just didn’t seem to fit together when we were calling the shots? When you give your life to Jesus and let Him take the reins, continually choosing to obey Him at every corner, things begin to change for you.

Opportunities will open up. You will meet people and they will connect you to other people who know someone who can help you find what you’re looking for. It all just kind of “works out.” But that isn’t a coincidence. That’s God.

Are you struggling to put the pieces of life together? Despite your best efforts, does everything just seem like a grind?

Maybe it’s time to choose God’s way. There is something about fully surrendering to God where things just fall into place. When you give God the reins, it just lines up! Give it a try. You won’t regret it.
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