Faith is a Muscle

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” - Romans 10:17 
We’ve spent the last few days discussing FAITH. When you have real faith, it can change your life. The power of faith in God is limitless in your life. That is the good news. But here’s the thing; you can’t just go and, in the blink of an eye, start having life-changing faith.

Faith is like a muscle in your body. When you’ve never lifted weights, you can’t just decide you are going to the gym and automatically start squatting 600 lbs. It doesn’t work that way. Over time, you build up your muscles, and as they grow stronger, you can lift more and more weight.
The same is true of faith. If you want to increase your faith, you have to grow it like a muscle. Romans 10:17 tells us how we can gain faith; “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

When you read the Word of God and spend time with Him, He will start to strengthen your faith. He will give you smaller things to trust Him about, similar to lifting a 10-pound dumbbell. Then as you begin to trust Him with the small things, He will give you bigger things to trust Him with.
Faith is a muscle. And it is a muscle you need to be working out regularly. Do you hope to one day have the kind of faith that will move mountains? Do you hope to one day be able to ask for whatever you want in prayer, have faith, and then receive it?

It starts NOW with the small things. Where can you start? Start by giving God 10% of your earnings. Start by praying and asking Him to give you peace in a situation you are struggling with.  

If you want to lift big weights, you have to start small. Grow your faith muscle, so that one day through faith, you can move mountains!
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