Chiseled in His Image

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." - 2 Corinthians 3:18 
Have you ever thought about the fact that God is chiseling us in His image? Just like an artist uses a chisel to carve a beautiful sculpture, God is using the circumstances of our lives to mold and shape us into His likeness.

Sometimes, we may feel like we're going through tough times and wonder why God is allowing us to experience pain or discomfort. But in reality, these trials are opportunities for God to chisel away the parts of us that are not pleasing to Him and to reveal His character in us.
As we spend time with God, reading His word and talking to Him in prayer, we begin to see ourselves more clearly. We recognize areas where we need to grow and change, and we invite God to come in and work in us.

The process of being chiseled in God's image can be painful at times, but the end result is worth it. Just like a beautiful ice sculpture that's been carefully chiseled down to perfection, we can become more and more like Christ as we allow God to shape us.
So, today, let's remember that God is always at work in our lives. He's chiseling away the parts of us that don't look like Him and revealing His beauty in us. As we trust Him and allow Him to work, we'll become more and more like Christ and bring glory to His name.

Let our prayer today be: Dear God, thank you for loving us enough to chisel us into your image. Help us to trust you in the process and to see the beauty that you're creating in us. We want to become more like Christ each day. In Jesus' name, amen.
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