Speak Up: God is Listening

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." - Jeremiah 29:12 
Have you ever felt like no one is listening to you? Maybe you've been talking to your friends or family about something important and they just don't seem to get it. It can be frustrating and make us feel like our words don't matter. But, let me tell you something, God is always listening.

Jeremiah 29:12 tells us that when we call on God and pray to Him, He will listen to us. How amazing is that? The God of the universe, who created everything we see, hears our every word. He cares about what we have to say, and He wants to have a relationship with us.
But here's the thing: we have to speak up. We have to actually use our words and talk to God. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own thoughts and worries that we forget to pray. We might think that God already knows what we're thinking, so why bother? But, God wants us to come to Him with our words and share our hearts with Him.

When we speak to God, it's not just a one-way conversation. God speaks to us too, through His word, through other people, and even through our own thoughts and feelings. But, we have to be listening just as much as we are speaking.
So, let's make it a priority to speak to God every day. Whether it's in the morning, during our lunch break, or before bed, let's take the time to pray and share our hearts with Him. And let's remember that when we speak, God is listening.  

He hears our every word, and He cares about what we have to say. Let's not miss out on the amazing opportunity we have to talk to the creator of the universe.  
Speak up, God is listening!
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1 Comment

Jon Thompson - June 18th, 2023 at 7:05am

Thank you, Ed, for this message today. I have begun to crave the Word of God as though it were food. I hunger for it like I've never hungered for it. This morning while reading 1Timothy, I had to stop after reading a passage that spoke to me in regard to something that had been on my mind lately, and pray. Thanking God for speaking so clearly to me. I appreciate your ministry and your messages. May God continue to richly bless you with the ability to communicate in a fresh and unique way the Word of God to the people of CBC.

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