What's Holding You Back?

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." - 2 Timothy 1:7 
What is keeping you from living the life God has called you to live? It's a question worth pondering because there are often three significant barriers that hinder us from pursuing God's extraordinary plan: pride, judgment, and the fear of failure. Let's explore these obstacles and challenge you to step into the abundant life God has prepared.

Pride often masquerades as self-sufficiency, convincing us that our plans are superior to God's. It blinds us to our limitations and hinders us from experiencing the fullness of God's extraordinary purpose.
The fear of judgment can be paralyzing, making us conform to societal expectations and norms. The opinions of others, real or imagined, hold us back from pursuing God's unique path. But remember, God's approval is what truly matters, and His plan surpasses worldly standards.

The fear of failure often keeps us stuck in the comfort of the known, preventing us from taking that leap of faith into the unknown. We worry that our efforts may not work out, causing us to resist God's call to step out. However, when we follow God's plan, failure is not an option. His purpose always prevails, even in the face of challenges.
So, let's ask again, "What is keeping you from living the life God has called you to live?" Is it pride, judgment, or fear of failure? Whatever it may be, know that God's plan for you is better than any plan you have for yourself. Embrace humility, prioritize God's approval, and release the fear of failure. Step into the extraordinary plan God has for your life, and you will discover a life of purpose, fulfillment, and impact beyond your imagination.
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1 Comment

John mcneil - October 21st, 2023 at 8:07am

Amen!!! Needed this today!!

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