"No, God"

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 
We have all heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” But this isn’t just some catchy phrase, it is the truth. And while we often can think about things we haven’t verbalized, there are things we have communicated strictly through our actions.  

With that in mind I want you to consider, what are you saying "No, God" to in your life? While you may not articulate those words aloud, your decisions and behaviors convey a message of resistance to His divine will.
God's plans for us are vast and filled with promise. He desires to lead us into paths of prosperity, hope, and fulfillment. Yet, in our humanity, we often shy away from His guidance, preferring the familiarity of our own plans and desires.

Perhaps God is calling you to forgive someone who has wronged you, but you cling to resentment and bitterness instead. Maybe He prompts you to step out in faith and share His love with others, but fear holds you back from speaking up. Or it could be that He is nudging you to surrender a particular area of your life to His will, yet you grasp onto control with tightly clenched fists.
The danger of saying "No, God" lies not only in disobeying His commands but also in missing out on the abundant blessings He longs to pour out upon us. When we resist His leading, we hinder His plans for our lives and deprive ourselves of the joy and fulfillment found in obedient surrender.

Yet, there is hope. Even in our moments of stubbornness and rebellion, God's grace abounds. He lovingly extends His hand, inviting us to turn from our disobedience and embrace His will. It's never too late to realign our hearts with His, to exchange our "No, God" for a resounding "Yes, Lord."
As you reflect on your life today, consider this question: What are you saying "No, God" to? And then, with humility and surrender, allow His grace to lead you back into the abundant life He has planned for you.
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