The Blessing of a Mentor

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."- Proverbs 11:14 
In your journey of faith and life, having a mentor is one of the greatest blessings God can give you. Throughout Scripture, we see the importance of wise counsel and the impact of having someone who has walked the path before you, guiding and encouraging you along the way. God places these mentors in your life not just to give advice, but to help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes they’ve already experienced.

You don’t have to figure everything out on your own. God never intended for you to walk through life without guidance. Just as Moses mentored Joshua, and Paul mentored Timothy, you need people in your life who can share their wisdom, offer godly advice, and help you grow into the person God is calling you to be.
A mentor can help you see the bigger picture when you’re caught up in the details. They can offer perspective when you’re facing a tough decision, share lessons learned from their own experiences, and pray for you in ways that are rooted in deep understanding. When you allow someone with more experience to pour into your life, you’re not only gaining knowledge; you’re also gaining the benefit of their hindsight, learning from the mistakes they’ve made so you don’t have to make them yourself.

Having a mentor is about humility and wisdom. It’s recognizing that you don’t know everything and that God has placed people in your life for a reason. These mentors are gifts from God, there to help you navigate life’s challenges, grow in your faith, and become more like Christ. They’re not just there to give you answers, but to walk alongside you, offering support, encouragement, and accountability.
Don’t try to do it all on your own. Seek out a mentor—someone whose life reflects the kind of person you want to become. Ask them to speak into your life, to share their experiences, and to guide you as you pursue God’s will. And if you already have a mentor, invest in that relationship, being open and teachable as God uses them to shape your character and your walk with Him. 
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Marty Koch - September 17th, 2024 at 8:13am

Thank you Pastor Ed for this message and teaching. In my current circumstance I am trying hard to steer away from bitterness, take accountability for my choices and own the consequences of those choices that led to my situation. That is why it gives my heart consolation to see todays message and realize that this mentorship was indeed lacking in my work-life and that I am not the worthless failure that I was led to believe (in so many words). Thank you for bringing hope through shining light on and teaching God's word.

JP - September 17th, 2024 at 4:57pm

This is neither the time nor the place to share my life story. It’s too complicated and too extensive to convey in just a few sentences. I came to know God when I was 19, through a colleague at my workplace at the time. Since then, I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with God, which has had significant consequences. From experience, I can say that God is faithful, and He will finish the work He started. In my case, this meant that He never let me go.


nA few weeks ago, I said that I was done playing games. I’m tired of standing with one foot in the world and the other in the Kingdom of God. "I wish you were either hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out." I was disgusted with myself, and I was done with everything I knew would cost me my life.


nPastor Ed, I prayed for God to bring someone into my life who I could mirror myself to. I can hear everyone thinking, "You should mirror yourself to Jesus," and that's absolutely true. But I was praying for someone who could teach me, someone who could help me grow in the wonders of the Word, someone who would genuinely educate me in a way that would make my heart grow.


nAlthough I was born and raised in the Netherlands and still live here, I don’t attend a church here. I miss the sincerity, although I believe there are plenty of sincere congregations, but I see a lot of showmanship in today’s churches. What I’m missing here, I have found—though from afar—in CBC.


nI am being taught in a sincere and entirely authentic way, without any pomp or circumstance. There’s no compromise—just full dedication rooted in pure and perfect love.


nI’m done with playing games, and I’ve never felt better in my life.


nIf I may, I’d like to share an example.


nI work as an independent marketer for a company about an hour and a half away from where I live. Two stops before I’m supposed to get off, I hear a voice saying, "Get off here." I’m sitting in a spot on the bus where I can see the entire bus, and no one has pressed the stop button, but the bell rings and the stop signal lights up. I hear the voice again, "Get off here," even though it’s two stops before my destination. I get off, start laughing to myself, and wonder aloud why I was supposed to get off here. I look around to see if I notice anything or anyone, but I don’t. I ask again, "Why did I need to get off?" and I hear, "Because I wanted to see if you would obey me when I ask you to do something."


nMaybe no one understands this, but for me, that was a huge moment of joy—not so much because of the voice telling me to get off, but because I obeyed.


nCBC brothers and sisters, though we are miles and miles apart, with you, I feel at home, and with you, I feel connected. Thank you all.

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