Adding to Your Bag

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen."- 2 Peter 3:18 
There is a trendy phrase young basketball players have started to use when a player masters a new move. The phrase “he’s in his bag” or “I’ve added that to my bag” is commonly used when players pull out new moves that others haven’t seen them use before. It’s a way of saying they’ve expanded their skill set, making them more effective on the court.  

But what about life? Specifically, your spiritual life? Have you ever thought about what you’re adding to your “bag” in terms of spiritual growth?
Just as athletes constantly work to improve their game, God doesn’t want us to stay stagnant in our spiritual walk. He’s calling us to keep growing, to keep adding new spiritual attributes and fruits of the Spirit to our lives. Whether it’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control, there’s always something more we can be working on.  
It’s easy to think of growth as something that only happens during hard times—when you’re facing trials and challenges that force you to rely on God in new ways. And while adversity does stretch us and build our faith, that doesn’t mean we can’t grow during the good times, too. In fact, the seasons of blessing and the everyday routines of life are perfect opportunities to focus on adding to your spiritual “bag.”

So, what are you “adding to your bag” today? Are you actively seeking ways to grow spiritually, or are you content to stay where you are? Remember, God doesn’t want you to remain the same. He has more for you—more wisdom, more grace, more strength, more love. But you have to be intentional about pursuing it.
Just as a basketball player puts in the work to master new moves, you need to put in the effort to grow spiritually. Keep adding to your spiritual “bag,” and watch how God uses it to make you more effective in His kingdom.

Ask yourself today, what spiritual attribute or fruit of the Spirit am I adding to my bag? God has so much more for you, and He’s ready to help you grow. Don’t miss the opportunity to become all that He’s created you to be.
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