Adding Patience to Your Bag

"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."- Romans 8:25 
Patience is a virtue we all know we need, but it’s one that’s often hard to practice. In a world where everything is instant—instant messaging, instant results, instant gratification—waiting can feel unbearable. But here’s the thing: life doesn’t operate on our timetable, and neither does God. That’s why patience is such an important fruit of the Spirit to add to your spiritual bag.

God’s timing is perfect, but it’s rarely on our schedule. There are seasons in life when it feels like everything is moving too slowly, or not at all. You pray, you hope, you wait—yet nothing seems to happen. It’s in these moments that patience becomes essential. Patience isn’t just about waiting; it’s about waiting with the right attitude. It’s trusting that God knows what He’s doing, even when you can’t see the full picture.
The same goes for our interactions with others. People won’t always meet your expectations, and they won’t always operate on your timeline. Whether it’s waiting on a friend to keep their word, dealing with a difficult co-worker, or raising children, there will always be moments that require patience. In those times, it’s easy to get frustrated or impatient, but God calls us to a higher standard. He calls us to bear with one another in love, showing patience just as He shows patience with us.

Is patience the next virtue you need to add to your spiritual bag today? Are you struggling to wait on God’s timing or to show patience with those around you? If so, ask God to help you develop this fruit of the Spirit. Patience is not just about enduring delays; it’s about trusting God’s process and showing grace to others in the meantime.
Remember, patience isn’t something that comes naturally—it’s a spiritual discipline that grows as you lean on God. When you cultivate patience, you’re not just biding your time; you’re growing in faith, character, and maturity. And as you wait, God is at work, both in you and in the situation, preparing you for what’s to come.

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