Be the One Who Lifts Others Up

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 
We live in a world where it seems like tearing others down has become second nature. Whether it’s in schools, workplaces, or even in advertisements, people often feel the need to discredit or diminish someone else to make themselves look better. But what if you were different? What if, instead of joining the crowd that constantly criticizes, you became known as the person who encourages and elevates those around you?

Think about the impact you could have if, in every interaction, you chose to speak life into others. People are desperate for affirmation and encouragement, but often, they don’t hear it.  
Imagine the difference you could make if you decided to be the person who always uplifts, always looks for the good, and always encourages. It doesn’t take much to offer a kind word, a compliment, or even a moment of your time to listen. Yet, those simple acts of encouragement can be life-changing for someone who feels beaten down by the world.

When you choose to elevate others, you become a reflection of God’s love and grace. Jesus constantly built up those around Him, from the outcasts to the disciples. He saw the potential in people and encouraged them to live into the fullness of who God created them to be. You have the same opportunity to draw people in by the way you speak and act toward them. People are naturally drawn to those who make them feel seen and valued, and when you choose to be that person, you point them to Christ.
What if you made it your mission to be known as someone who builds others up instead of tearing them down? You’d be different in a world that’s often focused on competition and criticism. People would be drawn to you, not because you’re perfect, but because they see the love of Christ in the way you treat them. When you encourage and uplift others, you’re doing more than just being kind, you’re showing them that they matter to God.

Today, make the decision to be that person who speaks life. Choose to elevate those around you and watch how it not only changes their lives but transforms yours as well. You’ll find that when you lift others up, you create a ripple effect of positivity, hope, and grace that reflects the heart of God.

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