Who’s Labeling You?

"But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand." - Isaiah 64:8 
It can be so easy sometimes to let others define who we are. We can find ourselves wearing labels that don’t fit, simply because of something we’ve done or because of how others perceive us. But it’s crucial to remember that these labels don’t define our true identity. The only one who has the right to label you is the One who created you, God.

There are important characters from the Bible who were labeled by their circumstances or actions, but who were ultimately redefined by God. Take Gideon, for instance. When we first meet him, he’s hiding in a winepress, afraid and considered the least in his family and tribe. His label was that of a weak and insignificant man. Yet, God called him a “mighty man of valor” and used him to deliver Israel from Midianite oppression.
Or think about Simon Peter. He was a fisherman, and before he encountered Jesus, his identity was shaped by his occupation and the expectations of those around him. Even after becoming a follower of Jesus, he was labeled by his failures, most notably, his denial of Christ. But Jesus didn’t let those labels stick. Instead, He called him Peter, which means "rock," and entrusted him with leading the early church.

These stories remind us that our labels don’t have to be our identity. The world might see us through the lens of our past mistakes or current struggles, but God sees us for who we truly are in Him. He’s not interested in the labels others place on us. Instead, He’s focused on who He has created us to be.  

Don’t let someone else’s opinion or a past mistake define you. Your true identity is found in how God sees you—loved, valued, and equipped for the purpose He has set before you. Allow God to reshape your identity according to His vision for you, not according to the labels that others might attach.
Who have you allowed to label you? Remember that you are a unique creation of God, molded by His hands and defined by His love. Embrace the truth of who you are in Him, and let go of the labels that others have placed on you. God’s view of you is the one that matters most, and it’s the only label you need to live by.
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