Different Math

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us." - Ephesians 3:20  
People around you will be quick to tell you that your dreams can’t happen. They’ll point out the obstacles, the impossibilities, and the reasons why things just don’t add up. It’s easy to get discouraged when the world’s math doesn’t seem to work in your favor. But God doesn’t work by the world’s logic. His math is different.  

God doesn’t add by addition, He adds by multiplying. He doesn’t need everything to look perfect on paper in order to accomplish His will in your life. He’s the God who can subtract things from your life to make room for even more. He can divide what seems broken and still create something whole. You may not be able to see how your dreams will come together, but just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean God isn’t in it.
If God is able to defeat sin, death, and hell by walking out of a grave, rolling back a stone, and declaring victory over death itself, then He’s more than capable of doing the miraculous in your life. The same Jesus who conquered the grave is the One who is working in and through you. He can take the impossible and turn it into something extraordinary.

You may feel like you’ve ended up in the pit of rejection or failure. Maybe people have told you that your dream is unrealistic, that you should give up. But don’t let the voices around you define what God is able to do. His power is not limited by what makes sense to us. He can do abundantly more than we could ever ask or think, and He can do it in ways that defy our expectations.
So, when people tell you that your dream can’t happen, remember that you serve a God whose math is supernatural. He can take what seems like a loss and turn it into a win. He can take what seems impossible and make it happen.  

Don’t give up on the dreams He’s placed in your heart just because the world says it doesn’t add up. God’s not bound by the rules of human logic. He’s working with His own set of numbers, and they always lead to His glory and your good. Trust Him with your dreams, even when they don’t make sense.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - November 25th, 2024 at 7:59am

I really love this one Ed! When you rub elbows with people you’re bound to get greasy. Lol. There’s some truth to that though. I’ve noticed that when I am around others who have negative or limited beliefs in what is possible I also start to drift back to my old beliefs that felt like that. Thankfully God has no limitations and part of the gift of the Holy Spirit is that He reassures me in His faithfulness. I say to myself there’s gotta be a way because I KNOW He is good. My success is based on what He can do. Not on what I can do. Crazy faith. That’s what I have to keep. What makes me think I know what is best for me anyway? Time and time again it’s been proven that what I think is never as good as what He has had in store for me.

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