The Answer Key to Life

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." – Psalm 119:105 
Why do things happen the way they do? Why do certain struggles feel so unending? And how do we make the right choices in the midst of all this uncertainty? We spend so much time looking for answers in the wrong places, trying to find clarity through our own understanding, or relying on other people for wisdom. But the truth is, God has already given us the answer key.  

The Bible is not just an ancient book of stories or religious rules, it’s the living, breathing word of God that speaks directly to every aspect of our lives. In it, we find guidance, comfort, wisdom, and answers to the very questions we ask every day. We are often searching for a solution in the world’s methods or in our own feelings, but all along, God has laid out the answers in His word.  
Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Imagine trying to walk in complete darkness without any direction. It would be chaotic and frustrating, right?  
But when you have light, you can see the path ahead clearly. The same is true when we immerse ourselves in Scripture. It lights up the road before us, showing us the way to live, guiding us in our decisions, and giving us a clear perspective on life’s challenges.  

Yet, how many times do we wander through life, asking “Why?” or “What now?” without ever turning to the Bible for the guidance we need? How often do we try to handle things on our own, when the answer key is right in front of us?  

The reality is that the more we dive into God’s Word, the clearer everything becomes. Life doesn’t suddenly become perfect, but our perspective shifts. Our worries don’t disappear, but we begin to see God’s hand in all things.  
Imagine how different our lives would be if we treated the Bible the way God intended, if we used it daily, as our first source of wisdom and guidance. How much peace and clarity would we have if we truly believed that God has already given us the answers we need?  

The Bible is not just an answer key for the big decisions in life, it’s the guide for every single moment. If we want our lives to reflect His will, we must immerse ourselves in His Word. Trust that God has already given you the answers, you just need to open the book and let it lead you.
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1 Comment

Cory Elder - December 28th, 2024 at 8:16am

Ed I’m sorry but I really gotta give a shout out to my friend Zac who told me that I needed to seek God every day whether I was doing well or doing the worst I ever had. I was sinking in what seemed like quick sand and nothing would help. Definitely the second best thing I ever did. The first was calling out to Jesus by name. I never even would have been able to do that if He had not come to me in the first place though if I’m being really honest. I just couldn’t believe in a man being God. My life just got so messed up I became willing. I asked God to make me aware of anything He wanted me to be aware of and like a flood the Holy Spirit came upon me and the experience that the whole Bible talks about came a reality in my life. I’ve never heard or seen anyone ever talk about having this happen to them except Jesus Christ and there He was right there before me in flesh and blood. I met the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit was resting on me. Life suddenly became the story repeated throughout every aspect of reality almost like a mold that everything was made out of. My life did get worse later on but even then He didn’t leave me. In the misery, with my friends advice, I started reading the Bible every day. Had already of course been drawn to CBC. So I kept going in person and online weekly. He showed me mercy after mercy. Miraculous demonstrations of His grace. Eventually the way I was living could not be tolerated anymore and I finally begged Jesus to help me. Within a very short period of time my whole life and perspective changed again. I could hear His voice clearly and was seeing visions again. It has been getting better and better ever since. He talks to me while I read His word. The constant reassurance of His presence, guidance, and even the spirit of prophecy. Pray all the time. Read as much as I can. Watch it unfold in my life. No more doubt.

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