Household Servants

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

You are chosen by God. As His son or daughter, you are a part of His special people—His chosen people—branded by the Holy Spirit for His own possession. You are His trophy.

We are new creations in Christ Jesus, and we’ve been moved out of darkness into the light. Not into heaven—not just yet. Into the light. Why were we moved into the light?

The moment we were saved by accepting Christ’s gift of salvation, He could have taken us up into heaven that very instant, but He left us here. He didn’t simply save us from something—He saved us for something.

We are the champions of God—here to serve and not to be served. We were once beggars of bread, wandering the earth, lost in sin and darkness, searching for life and meaning and fulfillment but finding every hand empty, except for one. We found one hand with bread that satisfies. Now, we are servants in the household of God, offering beggars the Bread of Life.

Scripture tells us that “the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). He is looking for those He can pour out His abundance on.

Your heart is like a coffee cup, and God wants to pour His blessing into you. So He’s pouring Himself out and filling your cup up with abundance, but then God sets your cup on a saucer. What does a saucer do? It catches the overflow. He keeps on pouring so that your cup will overflow, and your saucer will fill up.

What does the saucer represent? Your people. Your family, friends, classmates, coworkers—anyone you come across. In our first devotion in this “Mission Possible” series, we discussed how it’s not enough to simply sit at the table and feast on the abundance of God. This is the same principle. Your saucer is your ministry.

But your saucer can’t catch the overflow when you take the blessing all for yourself. Sometimes, we take our full cup, put a cap on it like it’s a sippy cup, and nurse on it instead of sharing it. God is speaking to us, trying to tell us that He didn’t give us all that abundance and blessing for us to keep for ourselves—He gave it to us so it would overflow into someone else’s life.

We weren’t given bread just because we were hungry, and we weren’t given a full cup just so that we could drink. We’re meant to give bread to the beggars—we’re meant to let our cups be filled so that they would overflow into empty lives. Our table is not our own. We’re servants for the household of heaven.

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