The Power of Jesus

“He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? You have so little faith?’ Then He stood up. He spoke sharp words to the wind and the waves. Then the wind stopped blowing. The men were surprised and wondered about it. They said, ‘What kind of a man is He? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.’” - Matthew 8:26-27 
Have you ever grasped the power of the One you serve? The One we worship in church? We call Him all kinds of things, “Creator, Messiah, Heavenly Father, Alpha and Omega, King Jesus, Son of God, The Almighty One.” So many names we give Him that He deserves. We use these to praise His Name. 
But when we praise Him, when we pray to Him, when we call on Him, do we understand the power we are accessing? The power of Jesus is so far beyond what we often give thought to. We are so used to the limited power and capabilities of man that we forget just how powerful, and just how much control Jesus really has. 
Matthew 8 tells a story that displays the power of Jesus perfectly. As the story goes, Jesus got into a boat, and all of a sudden a bad storm comes over the water. The waves were sending the boat every which way and the people on the boat were becoming very afraid. As all this is happening, Jesus was asleep. Asleep? How could He sleep through this?  
Because He is all-powerful! The men came to Him saying, “Help us, Lord, or we will die!” Jesus responded by saying, “‘Why are you afraid? You have so little faith?’ Then He stood up. He spoke sharp words to the wind and the waves. Then the wind stopped blowing. The men were surprised and wondered about it. They said, ‘What kind of a man is He? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.’” 
Jesus is so powerful that He controlled the weather. Did you get that? THE WEATHER. If Jesus has power over the weather, He has the power to change your current circumstances. He can give you a new job. He can get you out of the debt you are in. He can build up what you have destroyed. He is all-powerful.  
Whenever you feel lost, or stuck, or in trouble, call on the power of Jesus! If He changed the weather, He can change your circumstances!
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