Street Cred

“When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the disaster that He had said He would do to them, and He did not do it.” - Jonah 3:10 
As Jonah’s in the mouth of a big fish, the fish is swimming to Nineveh. Jonah has repented to God and asked forgiveness for his disobedience. That is all fine and great. Now, how is he going to preach to the Ninevites? These are killers, and they HATE Jews.  
How is Jonah going to walk up and just tell them they need to repent? Why on earth would they believe him? Well, this is where the greatness of God comes into play. Because He will always make a way. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it, and how we need it.  
See, it was because the Ninevites worshipped a God by the name of Dagon that they listened to Jonah. Dagon was a statue that was half man, half fish. They worshipped a fish god. They felt like the fish god, Dagon, had all the power. So watch this.  
Jonah, in the belly of the whale, gets spit up in Nineveh, stepping out of some big fish, seaweed all over him. He comes straight up out of the fish and doesn’t even say hello. No greeting. He just says, “Get right with God or He’s going to kill you.”  
The fact that this dude stepped out of a fish, out of something that they worshipped, he could say anything he wanted to say and they were going to listen. That is the GENIUS of God. He knew they wouldn’t listen to Jonah straight up, so He had to give Jonah a little street cred.  
The Lord knows exactly what each and every one of us needs. We talked a couple of weeks ago about how if God calls you, He will equip you. Jonah is the perfect example of this. Jonah alone could not have swayed them. But because He was spit up from the fish, because of his street cred, they were willing to listen. 
You serve a God with unlimited resources. You serve a God who can do anything He wants to do. Are you ready to trust what He is telling you He wants to do in YOUR LIFE? If Jonah is any indication, He can take you anywhere He wants you to go! Are you ready?

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