All Eyes on Jesus

“And so, dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest.” - Hebrews 3:1 
As you go through life, are you living in a way that points others to Jesus? Or are you just going through the motions? As we start a new year, it is easy to think that nothing has actually changed and that we just continue living as we do, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, and year-to-year.

For many of us, we have created routines in our life, and we tend to stick to those routines as much as possible. I am not here to say routines are bad. Many of the most successful people in the world have routines they live by.  

What I simply want to ask is, are the routines and habits you live by pointing others to Jesus? As Christians, we should be different from the world. We should be living a life that points others to Jesus. Ultimately, that is our purpose, to live a life that glorifies Christ in everything that we do.
Hebrews 3:1 tells us, “And so, dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest.”

Have you “thought carefully about this Jesus whom we declare God’s High Priest?” I don’t just mean what He has done for you (though we should think about that). I mean have you thought about what you can do to point others to Him?  

When you think about your life and reflect on the routines and habits of your life, would you say they point others to Jesus, or do they just look like the routines and habits of everyone else?
Remember, as believers we should be different! As this new year starts, don’t go through another year just “going through the motions.” But instead, let your actions display Jesus so that all eyes look to Him as a result of how you live life!

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