Dare to Dream Again

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us." - Ephesians 3:20  
Have you ever found yourself settling for less than what you once dreamed of? Maybe life hasn’t turned out quite the way you thought it would, and somewhere along the way, you stopped dreaming altogether. You’ve adjusted to the idea that this is just the way things are now. But what if God is calling you to dream again?

God’s plans for your life go far beyond anything you could ever imagine. He is the God of abundance, the God of “more than enough,” and He is ready to do infinitely more than what you’ve been asking for. The truth is, God doesn’t just meet expectations, He exceeds them in ways you can’t even begin to comprehend. But you have to be willing to dream again.
When you stop dreaming, you stop expecting God to move in big ways. You start settling for a life that’s less than what He’s planned for you. Sure, it’s safe to stay in the comfort zone, but that’s not where God works His wonders. He’s calling you out of that place where you’ve been stuck, where you’ve settled for “good enough,” and into a life of faith that dares to believe in what’s possible through Him.

So, what have you given up on? What dreams have you shelved because they seemed too big or too impossible? It’s time to take those dreams off the shelf and give them back to God. He’s not finished with you yet. In fact, He’s only getting started. If you’ve been settling for less, remember that God is inviting you to dream again. To imagine what He can do in and through you.
The question is, will you dare to dream again? Will you believe that God can do more than you’ve ever asked for, more than you’ve ever imagined? Don’t settle. God has so much more for you: more joy, more purpose, more impact than you could ever dream up on your own. So take a step of faith and let Him do the impossible.
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